What’s happening at GRMC?- July 2021 Issue
The July issue of the newsletter is now available to read! Please click the top button below. Also, don’t forget to sign up to receive the monthly newsletter right into your email inbox!
Read moreThe July GRMC board meeting is being held July 28, 2021 in the large board room at GRMC. The start time for the meeting is 5:45 pm. The agenda is posted below. If you would like to attend the board meeting by Zoom, please use the information below. Join ZOOM…
Read moreFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Armed Intruder Full-Scale Exercise (Goodland, KS) July 16, 2021- Goodland Regional Medical Center (GRMC) will be performing a full-scale armed intruder exercise on Tuesday, July 27, 2021. Emergencies are a daily occurrence in a busy…
Read moreFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Armed Intruder Full-Scale Exercise (Goodland, KS) July 16, 2021- Goodland Regional Medical Center (GRMC) will be performing a full-scale armed intruder exercise on Tuesday, July 27, 2021. Emergencies are a daily occurrence in a busy hospital environment and disaster exercises, particularly those using terrorism incident scenarios, are one of the best
The July GRMC board meeting is being held July 28, 2021 in the large board room at GRMC. The start time for the meeting is 5:45 pm. The agenda is posted below. If you would like to attend the board meeting by Zoom, please use the information below. Join ZOOM Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97867840546?pwd=SU9NTWxVZEFnUTBKYnFTZTBKNWZ5Zz09&from=addon(If you go to